Syoyu-sashi (soy sauce dispenser)

A couple of birds featuring kingfishers are not decorative figure, these are condiment dispensers. My mum and brother have same one because we bought them when we visited Arita, that is famous throughout the world for its pottery. Our family items that hold our precious memories (unfortunately taller one’s beak was chipped when I moved).  Shorter one is for soy sauce and taller one is for Worcestershire sauce. It is common to put a set of soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce dispenser on the dining table in Japan. You can see the soy sauce dispenser setting on the table at Japanese restaurant, or Sushi restaurant.

Arita yaki ware Japan Soy Sauce refers pot Kawasemi Kingfisher Bird motif new - Etsy 日本 JapanShopManekineko が販売するこの 瓶&容器 商品は 620 件のお気に入りを Etsy のお客さまから集めています。日本 から発送されます。2024年 12月 18日 に出品されまし...